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Boxing For A Better You

Looking for a way to up your fitness game and overall well-being in 2023 (and have fun while doing it)? Well champ, boxing might be just what you need >>

Prioritizing yourself is important, but a lot of the time it gets pushed to the side. Whether its work, family, social life , or all of the above, it's easy to forget to take time for you.

We're here to remind you that self-care is essential to staying healthy, both mentally and physically. With all kinds of benefits from physical to mental, boxing is sure to lead to a better you in 2023.

Here's a few ways boxing can lead to a better you...


BETTER PHYSICAL HEALTHAaliyah - Boxing on the Bag 1

Boxing is a fun & fresh way to stay active. It’s an explosive, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout that builds endurance and strength & gets the heart pumping right.

One hour of boxing can burn up to 800 calories (depending on weight, age, and heart rate). It’s a great way to burn fat and increase muscle tone, helping you to feel confident in your body like the badass you are.




BETTER HEADSPACERumble Boxing Members

Sure boxing is a great way to get fit, but self-care is about more than how you look. It's also about how you feel and boxing’s got you covered for both. Fitness experts say that boxing strengthens your mental game and helps to reduce stress levels.

Boxing helps you destress by:

  • Helping you sleep better
  • Increasing overall mood
  • Helps with weight control
  • Enhances productivity 



Rumble Boxing Class - Bagside

Gloving up requires focus & determination through training and practice. It's a sport that teaches discipline, dedication, & resilience – introducing new values that can be applied on & off the bags.

There's a special sense of pride that comes with punching it out, knowing that you put in the hard work and challenged yourself.

Whether you're sparring, stepping into the ring, or hitting the bags at Rumble, boxing is a sport that leaves you feeling victorious (Ali shuffle anyone?!).




BETTER COMMUNITYRumble Boxing Members

Boxing can be more than just an individual sport. Finding a boxing gym such as Rumble is a place where people of all fitness levels come together.

Not only will you find people to exercise with, you'll also find a group of like-minded individuals to form connections.

Group fitness classes offer a sense of teamwork, and training alongside others with similar goals is a sure way to build friendships that go beyond the studio!




Try boxing for a better you this new year >> Take a break from the hustle of everyday life and opt-in to prioritizing yourself at Rumble Boxing! Our all-inclusive, beginner friendly group fitness classes are sure to set you on the road to success towards a healthier, happier you. 

So champ, let's do this thing #RumbleStyle

See you soon,




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